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Pumpkin soup with dried meat from Kameno, Herceg Novi

Pumpkin soup is very healthy, and it can also be made very tasty, we are talking about this with the owner of the Old Stanovchich Kitchen restaurant in Herceg Novi, Svetlana Stanovchich.

- Good afternoon, Svetlana! Pumpkin is unique in that it contains a lot of pulp with a delicate taste and aroma, while it is one of the most useful foods for humans. Nutritionists say that pumpkin strengthens blood vessels and improves the functioning of the heart and nervous system, cleanses the liver and kidneys, improves eyesight and maintains youth. Apparently this is because pumpkin is easily digestible, saturating the body with mineral salts, vitamins, organic acids and fiber. Pumpkin helps to get rid of excess weight and swelling. Pumpkin contains "vitamin T", or "carnitine", which has the effect of burning fat and turning it into energy. Therefore, pumpkin is useful especially for athletes, not only for all people in general. But you need to know that pumpkin reduces acidity. And after all, a pumpkin is just a sunny-colored autumn fruit, which even by its appearance already improves mood. And pumpkin soup turns out beautiful, and not just healthy. But how to make pumpkin soup tasty and especially appetizing, tell us, Svetlana.

- Good day, Elena! I love pumpkin, in our old kitchen we have been using this wonderful berry for a long time, which is easy to grow and easy to feed people. Pumpkin is wonderful in that it provides an excellent base for soups, to which you can add other vegetables and spices, depending on your mood and desires. The pumpkin absorbs the flavors of the substances you add to it. The Mediterranean recipe for pumpkin soup includes not only the olive oil in which the onion is fried, but also herbs famous for their aromas, such as rosemary and thyme. And our herbs growing in the mountains have a particularly bright aroma. You can add carrots, celery, ginger, spinach, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, and even apples and nuts to pumpkin soup. Some chefs add a little honey to soften the natural bitterness of vegetables. Pumpkin can be first baked with coriander and other spices, this makes the taste especially interesting. Cream is traditionally added to pumpkin soup ...

- I wonder what if instead of cream in pumpkin soup add my favorite Montenegrin kaimak - old or young .... I think it will give a great taste. Just imagine the salty old kaimak, which is made from cream, but much richer and more interesting in taste ... Wow ...

- Very interesting remark, you can definitely try it. Besides, you know, we get cream and therefor kaimak from our farmstead in the mountains, in a clean area where cows, goats and sheep eat this fragrant Mediterranean grass ...

- Yes, yes, this is what makes dairy products from the mountainous regions of the Bay of Kotor so excellent and unforgettable ... I enjoy these shades of aroma and taste every time I try the local Montenegrin kaimak ... Well, I understand that pumpkin soup is wonderful. But what do you do to make your pumpkin soup in the Old Stanovchich Kitchen restaurant of Herceg Novi unique?

- We cook and serve pumpkin soup with meat cured over a fire...

- Aah! This is a very strong move. I remember such meat that you cook in your backyard in the old kitchen with a hearth of live fire among natural stone, above which bunches of herbs and juniper are hung ... This is the most romantic kitchen that I have ever seen in my life, I could sit there for hours …

- Be careful, Elena, you can absorb too much aroma, sitting by our hearth for several hours ... This is just a joke, we will be glad to have guests.

- Yeah! Well, now I understand where exactly you need to come to eat a healing smoky soup when you are in Herceg Novi.

- Of course, Kameno, 7 kilometers from Herceg Novi, is a place with clean air and natural products grown in the mountains above the Mediterranean Sea, we cook our dishes with love. Guests are always welcome!

- See you at the table!

- See you at the table!

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